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Set Your Youngster Up For Success With These Discounted Classes

Just because the start of school is around the corner doesn’t mean the opportunities to learn at home are over. While schools offer a cornerstone of learning for children, it’s been proven that supplementing that learning at home has yielded many benefits in their educational life.

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This educational bundle offers a bit of everything, from coding courses to ACT/SAT prep, which has helped boost scores among those who have studied early and often. As a bonus, for every purchase from our Back to Education collection, a portion of proceeds will be donated to students or kids in need, and you’ll get to vote on where the money goes!


Courses in the S.T.E.M. area are the way of the future, and this do-it-yourself coding kit for kids ages

9 to 12 is the perfect introduction to the arena. Sample projects encourage children to develop and design, and they can try their hand at everything from building smart security gates to turning bananas into a piano. Additionally, Children can use block codes to operate their modules using the free and easy-to-use Twinner app.

Get the DIY Coding Kit for Ages 9 to 12 for $84.90.

Ace the test

When it comes to taking the SAT and ACT, there’s no such thing as being too prepared. This three-course bundle equips students with the information and materials needed to successfully take both tests. The SAT course offers has 989 lectures along with a full review of SAT math. The ACT course has more than 1,460 lectures along with a comprehensive review of ACT math. The third item in this bundle is a “TOEFL Prep Course.”

Get The ACT & SAT Test Prep Bundle for $29.99 (reg. $597).

Delve deeper into coding

Tap into your child’s S.T.E.M. mind with this one-year premium subscription to Twin School’s DIY coding kit. The makers of this product (featured on BBC) partnered with some of the best educational institutions around the world to teach coding to children through gaming adventures and classes. More than half a million children have taken this course. The accompanying coding kit comes with four coding projects.

Get DIY Coding Kit with 1-Year Premium Subscription to Twin School for $99 (reg. $155).

Reading is fundamental

This information-filled app (three months of access) provides

personalized lessons and activities that help children learn to read. Reading, math and creativity are just a few points of emphasis for this app. It’s safe and ad-free, and it makes learning joyful as it is fueled by activities that kids want to play. It’s been featured in the New York Times, MSNBC and Fast Company, and it can be accessed via desktop or mobile devices.

Get Homer: The #1 Learn to Read App for Kids 2-8 (3-Month Subscription) for $4 (reg. $29).

Math madness

One of the biggest roadblocks for those not fond of math is the environment in which they learn the subject. With Interactive Mathematics, you not only create the environment, but also you can dictate the time and place. This 24/7 math tutoring

service is app-based, and you can access it via your phone, tablet or desktop computer. Teachers, professors and educators count among the tutors, and students are given understandable step-by-step solutions to their products.

Get Interactive Mathematics: 1 Year of 24/7 Unlimited Tutoring for $399.

Tap into your child’s inner-prodigy

You never know what talent your child possesses. You can, however, tap into it with the Prodigy Afterschool Masterclasses for Kids. This class comes with 15 afterschool courses, including math tricks, yoga, drawing, storytelling, and Chinese, among others. The courses are taught by world-renown teachers from around the globe. A shared family login allows both children and parents to enjoy the courses.

Get Prodigy Afterschool Masterclasses for Kids for $99 (reg. $660).

Prices subject to change.

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