Samuel Adams today announced that it will host its small business speed coaching and national “Pitch Room” competition in New York City.
Designed to provide high-impact advice and personalized mentoring, the events are part of Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream, a micro-lending and mentoring program for small business owners working in food, beverage, craft brewing and hospitality.
Speed coaching will take place on Monday, November 11th
from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. EST at The Dumbo Loft in Brooklyn (155 Water St). Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in up to six 20-minute personalized coaching sessions with experts from Sam Adams, including brewer and founder Jim Koch, as well as microlender Accion and New York area business experts.Coaches will offer a range of expertise in graphic design, finance, e-commerce, ingredients sourcing, marketing and more, and participants
are encouraged to come prepared with specific questions about challenges their businesses are facing. Admission is free, but registration is required at: coaching immediately follows the Brewing the American Dream “Pitch Room,” a competition that ultimately helps participants hone and perfect the art of the sales pitch to potential retail customers. Food and beverage small business owners — including other craft brewers — will work with Sam Adams employees and retailers to present and improve their sales pitches.
The judging panel will include Jim Koch, as well as David Burke, American chef and restaurateur; Frank Sickelsmith, vice president of HMSHost Corporation; Michael Conese, vice president of Center Store Merchandising at Fairway Market; and Gina Harman, CEO of Accion U.S. Network.
The winner, determined by criteria that include pitch quality, creativity and passion, as well as product
viability, will receive a trip for two to Boston to participate in the finals where he or she will compete for a $10,000 business grant, extended mentoring from Sam Adams, and the opportunity to pitch his or her product to national retail establishments.The event, which will also be held at The Dumbo Loft, takes place from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. EST. To learn more visit