May 19, 2021
Racist High Schooler Arrested And Expelled For Calling Black Classmate The N-Word, Suggesting He Should Be ‘In Chains’
A racist high school student in Connecticut got arrested, and reportedly expelled from school, after calling a schoolmate the n-word.
On May 7, a picture of Jamar Medor was taken at Fairfield Warde High School in Fairfield, Conn., by an unidentified white student who made a racist remark on Snapchat.
The student stated: “Why is there a [n-word] in my homeroom [and] why is he not in chains,” according to a report by WABC-TV.
“I have no words,” Medor, a sophomore at the school, said. “Like I’m speechless. I’m kind of mad and upset and kind of sad, too.”
His mother, Judith Medor, said she believes her son is being targeted by racist students, having already received a racist video call from students at another school, Fairfield Ludlowe High School, once the photo to become viral.
“I just don’t feel comfortable going to school or walking the halls, so I stayed home today actually,” Jamar told ABC 7.
Just like her son, Medor’s mother told Patch that she was speechless as well, saying, “I have no idea what they’re being taught at home.”
The teenager who shared the Snapchat picture originally received a 10-day suspension, but he also has pending charges for second-degree breach of peace and ridicule on account of creed, religion, color, denomination, nationality or race, according to WNBC-TV.
An online petition on the Care2 website to “tell Fairfield Warde to expel the racist bully” garnered more than 31,000 signatures. According to an update posted May 18 on the site, further action had been taken by the school:
“Thank you so much everyone for signing the petition. We’ve just been informed that Fairfield Warde decided to expel the student who made the post,” the update reads. “This would not have been possible without all of your help. So, thank you. Thank you for choosing accountability and thank you for showing the Medor family that Fairfield County cares.”