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Paying The Bills

I’m on my way to starting a medical billing, collections, and consulting home-based business. Although I already do this type of work for two companies, I’ve been reading and doing research on what I need to get started. Is there any free money available?
— S. Collins, Via the Internet

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It’s great that you’ve been able to recognize and expand on an employment opportunity. But the idea of there being free money available from the government for anyone to start any business they choose is a big misconception.

What you should inquire

about are monies and help that may be available on the state and local levels. Also, there are a myriad of nonprofit, state- or city-sponsored organizations, and independent agencies that do offer small businesses some financial and development assistance. (See “Reel in the Resources” in this issue for more.)

Expand your available resources further by tapping into the American Academy of Professional Coders (www.aapc. com), which provides certification and education among its services. AAPC also sponsors bicoastal Medical Coding National Conferences. And checkout the book Medical Billing, Coding, and Reimbursement: How to Run Your Own Home Medical Billing Service by Loretta Sinclair (Annotation Press; $19.99).

You should also have a strong Web presence, especially with the business being home-based. Read the article “Building Your Business” (December 2007), which offers details about developing an informational or e-commerce Website.

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