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School Bus Scuffle: Parent Slaps Georgia Bus Driver While Kids Climb Out of Window

Parents shouldn’t have to worry about the safety of their kids on a school bus.

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A substitute bus driver is being investigated after a viral video on TikTok showed children climbing out of a school bus window at a busy intersection. WSB-TV reported that a school bus driver for Paulding County School District in Georgia was suspended after participating in a fight with a parent.

When police arrived at the scene, traffic was backed up, a vehicle was blocking a school bus, and some upset parents were trying to rectify the situation. One parent was seen pounding on the door to get the driver to open it. Another video obtained by WSB-TV showed a parent slapping the bus driver in the face. That’s when the bus driver shut the door and drove off with the kids. In that same video, the students of Allgood Elementary were seen with their heads out of the window and heard screaming.

The incident occurred at the Old Harris Road and Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway bus stop for Allgood students, which parents say is a very busy stop. “That’s so unsafe, and all of the traffic on 278 is rushing by at 60 mph,” a parent said. “That’s crazy.”

Comments left under the viral video both praised and criticized the incident. “The kids need to learn about the emergency exit please show your kids and the emergency window if there is one,” one comment said. Another praised the parents for moving quickly and helping more than their own children. “Those mommas! Jumped right into action and they were everyone’s mommas for as long as they needed to be.”

Further down, one comment questioned if the driver was just doing their job of keeping the student safe. “Sooooo, the bus driver was doing her job by trying to keep the kids safe, then this happened? I’m confused.”

School district parents are calling for immediate disciplinary action. The Dallas Police Department confirmed they will be handling the investigation.

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