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Obama and Gul in Ankara, Turkey

Obama and Gul in Ankara, Turkey

PRESIDENT GUL: (As translated.) We are very pleased to host the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama, in Turkey. It would not be wrong to say that our...

Unpaid Furloughs Instead of Pink Slips

Unpaid Furloughs Instead of Pink Slips

At the quarterly faculty/staff assembly at Stillman College last August, several employees expressed concern about potential layoffs. “I said I would do whatever was necessary to ensure that everyone could keep their jobs,” said Ernest McNealy, president of the Tuscaloosa, Alabama-based HBCU, who thinks of his employees as family. After consulting with staff managers and human resources, McNealy concluded that furloughs were a better option than layoffs and decided that all of the non-teaching employees would have to participate, including himself.
