October 14, 2011
Only Ex-Convicts Need Apply: Detroit Hosts Special Jobs Fair
Oftentimes, a past run-in with the law can be more of a negative than a positive when it comes to job seeking. But Detroit has decided to give those with criminal records a better chance at a second chance, hosting a special jobs fair for ex-convicts, only. Earlier this week, they held an “Offenders Only” Job Fair at the East Lake Church. According to reports, Detroit is a city where more than a quarter of its residents are unemployed, and almost 30,000 of them are either on probation or out on parole.
Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh organized the job fair, along with Wayne County Community College and Kelly Services, according to the Grio. Pugh has been a strong advocate for job opportunities for convicted felons since he took office in 2010.
What do you think? In today’s tough job market, is it fair to have a jobs fair for convicted felons only?