One Life To Live


  • Pulse
  • Cholesterol and lipid tests
  • Blood profile
  • Urine analysis
  • Pap smear
  • STD/HIV blood test
  • Breast exam
  • Immunization shots
  • Mammogram
  • Thyroid function
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Stool guaiac
  • Digital rectal exam
  • Colonoscopy
  • Bone density
  • Blood glucose
  • Cardiac stress testing
  • Bladder scans
  • Eye exam
  • The Comeback Kid
    In the early ’90s, Anthony Martin of Jersey City, New Jersey, was on the Wall Street fast track. A financial advisor at the New York City investment banking firm Josephthal, he enjoyed the life of a well-paid, single Wall Street executive. Now a consultant for investment firm Maxim Group L.L.C., Martin shares how what he thought was a stomach ailment threatened his life and almost derailed his career.

    In 1995, I found out that I had a health problem. I worked many hours. I would travel [and] hang out. I began having difficulty digesting food. The food would regurgitate while I slept. [Choking] actually became a blessing in disguise, because it was at that point that I went to the doctor. It had been going on for a month.

    They discovered something in my kidney area. After the MRI, they confirmed that there was a tumor — cancer. You know something? [That] wasn’t the reason I was regurgitating. The doctors wanted me to have surgery right away. But I wanted to finalize things in the office. That’s the state of mind I was in. My manager and the firm were very supportive.

    The surgery was successful. They removed my kidney and the surrounding lymph nodes. I was out for about two months. I lost a tremendous amount of business. People who knew me — but not my colleagues at the firm — went after my clients in a very nasty way. One individual contacted one of my customers, who was also a good friend, and told him that I was very sick and was dying. That bothered me more than anything else.

    I ran into other complications that kept me in and out of the office for three to four years, and I occasionally have a problem with one of my legs, which can be very painful.

    During this time, it was difficult to generate more assets because my clients didn’t know whether I was going to be in or out of the office. Some clients were completely understanding and supportive. I did lose a few friends, however.

    I changed everything after surgery. I only eat fish, kidney beans for protein, and a lot of salads. I drink nowhere near what I used to. I have one kidney. I joined a gym. I spend a lot time getting in touch with who I am and I’m more selective about the company I keep. There were a lot of people in my life who didn’t have my best interests at heart. I consider that to be just as much of a cancer as the cancer itself. I took control of my life and of the people, the food, and the places I go. I don’t worry about the cancer reoccurring. If it does, I’ll fight it like I did the last time. I don’t fold easy.

    Seek Counseling: There are professional services that can help
