October 30, 2023
High School Office Aide Arrested For Alleged Advances Toward A Student
Vanessa Vigil, an office aide at Miami Killian Senior High School in Miami, was arrested for allegedly making advances toward a 16-year-old student during her time working at the school.
The former Miami-Dade employee was charged with offenses against a student by an authority figure and five counts of battery, an arrest report read according to NBC News.
The report stated Vigil “knowingly and intentionally used her position of employment to solicit and pursue a relationship romantic in nature with the victim.” The report also revealed the teen accused the 35-year-old former office aide of being “… very flirtatious with him by asking for his telephone number and calling him handsome,” the report said.
According to the outlet, school surveillance caught one of the office aide’s encounters with the student on camera, supporting the accusations.
The 16-year-old said the ex-employee allegedly touched him and told him she loved him. According to the report, Vigil touched the student on multiple occasions. There were five different times the office aide made contact with the student against his will, the report said. One of the encounters led to the teen having a panic attack.
The woman “knowingly and intentionally used her position of employment to solicit and pursue a relationship romantic in nature with the victim,” the report said.
The now former Miami Killian office aide reflected on the incident in a different manner than what was said by the student. When speaking with investigators, Vigil denied the version of events shared by the teen, saying he was the one who made the advances. She said the student was flirting with her and called her pretty.
Local 10 News reported that in one incident, Vigil allegedly caressed the victim’s face and told him, “I am in love with you.” The boy recalled a time he and the former office aide were in a “small and dark” room together. “You should get out of here before I do something I’m not supposed to do,” the woman told him.
Miami Dade County Public Schools released a statement to address the allegations. “Miami-Dade County Public Schools is deeply troubled by the disturbing allegations made against this former employee. M-DCPS cooperated with the authorities during the investigation of this former employee. This type of comportment will not be tolerated as it runs contrary to the professional conduct we expect from all employees,” the statement read.
On Oct. 19, Vigil told the outlet that the allegations were false.
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