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Obama Launches My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge

In February, President Obama announced the launch of the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative (MBK) in an effort to provide equal learning and success opportunities to all young people, especially young men of color. Now, the Obama administration is taking things a step further and making MBK a call to action for all communities throughout the nation with their new community challenge.

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Encouraging local communities, including city mayors, county executives and other leaders, to implement an effective cradle-to-college-and-career strategy that positively impacts the young people in their community, the administration’s latest efforts are just another step forward in making MBK an initiative that every individual has a hand in.

“We believe that the

key to working to improve the lives of boys and young men of color, indeed for all of our youth, is to make sure that the communities around them are investing in
them,” Broderick Johnson, chair of the My Brother’s Keeper task force, said during a conference press call with Black Enterprise.

To learn more about My Brother’s Keeper and how you can accept the challenge visit MBKChallenge.org.


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