Obama: ‘Help Is on the Way’

Obama: ‘Help Is on the Way’

exactly what they need in terms of help. Obviously the biggest problem small businesses have right now is access to credit. And so, as part of our financial rollout, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will be talking about a series of measures working with Treasury as well as the Federal Reserve Bank, FDIC and other institutions to open up credit flows to small businesses. We’re also going to expand and hope to use some of the SBA programs that are currently in place for emergency situations and open those up so that small businesses have a place to go to keep their doors open to deal with all the problems that they’re having making payroll.

Just as you’ve had town halls in Elkhart, Indiana and Fort Myers, Florida, do you envision a small business-specific town hall, say, in Detroit where a number of automotive suppliers are getting hit pretty hard?

I don’t want to make any commitments beyond those that are already scheduled this week. I guarantee you we’re going to make sure that during the course of this next year that we are going to try to get out of Washington with great frequency because I think one of the most important things I can do is to highlight what is happening outside of Washington so that the folks who are in Washington understand who they are working for.
