Deion Sanders, NCAA, jewelry

Deion Sanders’ Nike Air Diamond Turf Sneaker Sells Out In Minutes

The original sneakers were released over 30 years ago in 1994.

After initially announcing that Nike was releasing the sneakers Deion “Coach Prime” Sanders wore during his NFL days, the Nike Air Diamond Turf, the footwear has reportedly sold out.

According to Sports Illustrated, the sneakers, originally released over 30 years ago in 1994, immediately sold out within minutes after going on sale. Coach Prime took to social media to acknowledge the great news after being notified by the giant sportswear brand of the news.

Nothing is new under the sun; I rocked these PRIMES’ & #24 at the Pro Bowl waaay back when. I also heard from @nike that I sold out, and I’m sure they weren’t saying imma “Sellout” they were talking about me “Selling Out”! Think about that baby! I’m PRIME! REAL since u 1st heard of ya boy! #CoachPrime (posted by @deionsandersjr)”

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Complex reported that the Nike Air Diamond Turf was initially released in 1993, his last year playing for the Falcons. There were follow-up versions of the original footwear: the Air Diamond Turf 2, which came out in 1994, debuted when Coach Prime was a member of the San Francisco 49ers. While wearing those sneakers, Sanders won the NFL Defensive Player of the Year award and took home a Super Bowl trophy.

Two years later, the Diamond Turf Max ’96 was released. In 1997, the Air Diamond Turf 4 went on sale, and the last in the series, the Air Diamond Turf 5, debuted in 1998.

Since 1995, the University of Colorado Boulder has had an exclusive contract with Nike. In the contract Coach Prime signed in 2023 after leaving Jackson State University after three successful seasons, he is required to wear Nike gear supplied by the sneaker company. He left the brand in 2017 after being disappointed that it did not properly compensate him for designing his own shoe. At the time, he vowed never to work with them again.

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