New Year,New You: The Best Jobs For Your Personality Type

New Year,New You: The Best Jobs For Your Personality Type

There are some of us who decide on a career path very early in life. Then there are the rest of us who need some help figuring out what we want to do with our lives. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) testis used to help people discover the careers and occupations most suitable for their personality. For instance, “Do you prefer being organized and following a schedule, or playing it by ear? Are you energized by being around people or by spending time alone? Whatever your personality type is, it affects all aspects of your life. Finding out your type and knowing more about it can help you in communicate with people, plan your future, and even get to know yourself better.”

Myers Briggs has been a huge part of business culture for many years. In fact, according to the Boston Globe, around 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies (and 89 of the Fortune 100) have used Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – a version of which is available for free online – to study the personalities of entering employees.

To determine the best jobs for every personality, Business Insider consulted with a popular personality guide–, “Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type,” and developed the chart below.  Please note the list below is in no way definitive but it may serve as a helpful guide for understanding yourself and what sort of personalities gravitate toward certain jobs. You an also view the larger infographic here.

SOURCE: MBTI–Understanding Your Personal Style and Strengths


