November 17, 2021
Never Worry Again About Losing Emails Again With Mail Backup X, Available At A Pre-Black Friday Sale Price
An estimated 306 billion emails were sent worldwide last year alone. That number of electronic communication sent by users around the globe has increased every year since 2015, and it’s expected to bloom to 376.4 billion by 2025.
As emails are part of our daily lives, that comes as no surprise. Everyone from young adults to the elderly uses email in some capacity, whether that be because of work obligations or just keeping in touch with loved ones.
Sometimes, important emails slip through the cracks and are lost in cyberspace during routine cleaning of inboxes. A moment of dread usually accompanies said moments, and then the mad scramble typically follows.
Mail Backup X Individual Edition offers the security and peace of mind knowing that none of your emails will ever again be lost. It’s available at a low Pre-Black Friday Sale price of $42.99. That’s a savings of nearly $140 from its MSRP.
Mail Backup X works by backing up all of your emails from your respective mail client: Apple Mail, Microsoft Office, Gmail, Yahoo, Thunderbird, and a number of other clients. With daily mail backups, rest assured knowing that Mail Backup X is always working to safely preserve all of your emails.
Five verified purchasers have given this product a sterling 5-star rating. Tech publication CNET rated Mail Backup X 5 stars, while MacUpdate gave it 4.4 stars on its 5-star scale.
“I’ve been looking for a system that will back up my Mail. This does it all. Not only locally but the server too and it does it flawlessly. It’s automated so I know my email is safe and backed up 24×7,” writes verified 5-star purchaser Glen C.
With email being such an integral part of our lives, safeguarding them and preserving them only makes sense. Mail Backup X has proven itself one of the best platforms to do so, as more than 42,000 businesses use it. Buy it today.
Prices subject to change.