May 12, 2013
Motherhood vs. Career Pursuits: Professional Women Share Their Stories
Jennifer K. Davis, 28, Typist, Founder, P.I.N.K Foundation
EARLY MOTHERHOOD ASPIRATIONS: I always planned on having children. I wanted four. In my dream scenario, they came after I was married and after I finished college.
TIGHT TIME MANAGEMENT: A typical weekday is very hectic for me. I wake up around 6 a.m., nurse my son, put him back to sleep and take a shower. I then wake my children, and while they are getting dressed, I get dressed, make lunches and breakfast. Once they sit down for breakfast, I wipe down and dress the baby. After breakfast it’s time for hair to be combed and teeth to be brushed and then to the car we go. By 7:40 I am dropping my kids off at my mother’s house who takes the eldest two to school and keeps the baby.
Once I’m off at 6 p.m., I handle my foundation phone calls. I try to complete all conversations, texts and e-mails before I walk in the door to pick up my children from my mother’s, so that I can give my babies my full attention. This usually consists of nursing my newborn, disciplining my daughter, and getting tons of love from my son. If my mother has cooked, we stay and have dinner. If not we pack into the car, and I go home and cook while my daughter finishes her homework and my son plays games. During dinner we talk about the day and what has to be done for the rest of the week. Then the older two take baths, brush teeth and go to bed while I nurse my son, feed him (if he didn’t eat during our dinnertime) and cuddle with him. By 9:30 p.m. He and I are sleeping.
A DREAM NEVER DEFERRED: I started my nonprofit because I needed to heal my heart from ending a 9-year friendship with my ex-bestfriend. It was a really hard time for me emotionally and financially, and my kids really suffered because I wasn’t able to give them me. Not only did I lose my best friend, my marriage recently ended, and I was forced to look for work after being a stay-at-home mom for two years.
Through building my foundation, I was able to heal from the disappointment in the failure of my marriage, my friendship ending, having no job and nowhere to live with my kids. Whenever I had business meetings or phone calls, I would conduct them while my kids were at school, but if business was on the weekend, I brought my children along. I’d tell everyone, up front, that I’m a single mother trying to make this happen, so from time to time I might bring my child with me or you might hear a scream for ‘Mommy’ in the background. Most of the people I came in contact with were very supportive, very empathetic and understood and loved my passion.
ADVICE FOR SINGLE WORKING MOMS: You have to stay true to yourself. Getting advice from others on how they did it and what works for them is great but listening to your instict is key and will make you ultimately happy. Be sure to schedule and plan. I have every other Monday off from my 9-to-5, so I plan as many meetings, appointments and volunteer time at my children’s school on these days. Also, it’s important to find your support system. So many times we think our support system is our family, but most of my support comes from friends, business associates and people I’ve met along the way. Other moms who are in your same shoes, or people who share your passion may be a better support system for you.