More Than Hot Air? You Decide

United States Naval Academy
Profession Senior U.S. Senator from Arizona (since 1987); Member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from Arizona (1983—1987);
Businessman; Naval aviator
Religion Baptist
I am committed to a pro-growth economic agenda, making the tax cuts permanent, thus eliminating the threat of a crippling tax increase by repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax. Opening markets and leadership on trade is indispensable to future prosperity. American leadership on trade is critical to a vibrant world economy. Government must help educate and train displaced workers to empower future workers to compete in the world market.

Defeating radical Islamic extremists is the national security challenge of our time. Before 9-11, al-Qaida was basically free to plan, train, and conduct attacks from Afghanistan. As president, I will not allow such terrorist sanctuary. We cannot continue to enrich the foreign oil cartel and petrodictators. As president, I’ll implement an energy strategy of diversification and conservation to break the dominance of oil in our transportation sector.

Marriage should be defined as a union between one man and one woman. I would support a Constitutional amendment to define the family as a union between one man and one woman. I support legislation that makes it a federal crime to use cells or fetal tissue from an embryo created for research purposes. I also support banning attempts to use or obtain cells from a human fetus gestated in the uterus of an animal.

I would fight to ensure a political process worthy of the sacrifices that have kept us free and proud and [would fight to ensure] that the institutions of self-government are respected pillars of democracy, not commodities to be bought, bartered, or abused. I will secure the border, bring spending under control, veto pork-barrel spending bills, and keep taxes low. I would reform a tax code that is too complex and too burdensome. I will work to modernize Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and [reform education].

Arizona Sen. John McCain has a 9.1% chance of gaining the Republican nomination. McCain, who is deeply respected both for his conservative stances and his experience as a former Vietnam War POW has the heart but is trailing in both the polls and fundraising. Could it be his maverick attitude and alignment to unpopular Bush policies that is not playing well in Peoria?

HAVING YOUR SAY asked our readers who they’d vote for. Here are the poll results and some of what you had to say.
Who would get your vote right now?
Sen. Barack Obama 66%
Sen. Hillary Clinton 23%
John Edwards 3%
Mitt Romney 1%
Rudy Giuliani 1%
Sen. John McCain 3%
Thompson hadn’t entered the race at the time of the poll

Our Next President
Barack Obama shows strength, intelligence, and diplomacy and goes beyond conventional thinking by saying, “Strong presidents tell their adversaries where they stand, and that’s what I would do.” This demonstrates strong leadership; he gets my vote.
Posted by: ljbrazer

I believe Hillary Clinton is saying what African American “voters” want to hear as it benefits her. My question is why is she just now [voicing] p
