November 18, 2020
Media Executive Michele Thornton Ghee On Finding Purpose After Job Loss
Michele Thornton Ghee knows the entertainment and media space all too well. Having been in the industry for nearly three decades, she has broken and shattered many glass ceilings. She has worked for several major media brands such as CNN, A&E, The History Channel, and BET Networks. She was also the brains behind the creation of BET Her.
The media veteran knows business on every level and is not afraid to face new challenges head-on, while paving a path for other women. Her leadership is wide-ranging from strategy, revenue generation, relationship building, and culture to name a few.
Thornton Ghee opened up about her career journey in an exclusive interview with BLACK ENTERPRISE.

BE: What did you do when you learned that you had lost/we’re losing your job?
Thorton Ghee: I learned three things.
- There is power in prayer and that I needed to get reconnected to my power source.
- That I would never work again for a company that didn’t value me, didn’t see me, didn’t realize my cultural intelligence, and didn’t honor their word about my roles and responsibilities. I’m worth more than that.
- And that my purpose is bigger than any paycheck.
BE: What is something that you do every day to ensure success?
Success has many different facets. I believe you have many successes, big and little, during the course of your life. One of the biggest things that I believe attributes to my success is I’m intentional. I wake every day with an eye on the target. Period.
BE: Do you believe that anybody can bounce back from any of life’s devastating blows? If so, why?
Absolutely. As a matter of fact, if you haven’t been knocked down, how can you learn how to combat adversity. Failure has always been a welcomed part of my journey. I don’t take it personal.
BE: A lot have lost their jobs, homes, businesses, etc. As a sought-out leader, what words of hope will you give?
This too shall pass. What will you do when you are down? When the world tells you can’t. When corporate America overlooks your talent, you get informed. You build your own brand. You write a book or two or three. We have no other option but to carry on.
BE: What do you want the readers to know about you?
I don’t look like what I’ve been through. Some stories will never make the next book or chalkboard series. The pain is still there. The God I worship is a promise keeper and His Son died on the cross so that I may have an abundant and eternal life. I choose to believe Him.
Connect with Michele:
Text stratechic to 33777
Instagram @stratchic
LinkedIn: Michele T Ghee
Facebook: Michele T Ghee
Twitter @stratechic
Dr. Jessica Mosley is a serial entrepreneur who loves teaching fellow CEO women how to show up in their truth & power. As Steward Owner of MizCEO Entrepreneurial Media Brand, Sovereign Care Home Care, Sovereign Care Medical Training Center, and Deborah’s Place for Battered Women, Jessica is busy making moves that impact her community & those connected to her.