Long-Distance Funds

valign=”middle”>Amer. Century Target Mat 2020 Inv BTTTX 12.44 12.23 12.71 2,500 800-345-2021 Amer. Century Target Mat 2015 Inv BTFTX 9.09 11.21 11.87 2,500 800-345-2021 PIMCO Real Return A PRTNX 8.71 11.02 10.85 5,000 888-877-4626 PIMCO Long-Term U.S. Govt. A PFGAX 6.83 9.33 10.49 5,000 888-877-4626

Intermediate Government

American Century Inflat-Adj Bd Inv ACITX 7.95 10.09 9.99 2,500 800-345-2021< /TD> BlackRock Government Inc Inv A CCGAX 3.92 6.73 8.52 500 800-441-7762 Vanguard Interm-Term U.S. Treas VFITX 3.40 6.51 8.18 3,000 800-662-7447 PIMCO Total Return Mortgage D PTMDX 4.53 5.76 7.70 5,000 888-877-4626 Sentinel Government Securities A SEGSX 4.69 6.01 7.48 1,000 800-282-3863

Short Government

Amer Century Target Mat 2005 Inv BTFIX 0.60 4.22 6.83 2,500 800-345-2021 Mangrs Intermediate Duration Govt MGIDX 3.95 5.30 6.72 2,000 800-835-3879 Accessor Mortgage Securities Adv AMSFX 3.87 4.65 6.52 5,000 800-882-9612 Marshall Government Income Inv MRGIX 4.24 5.15 6.38 1,000 800-236-8560 WM U.S. Government Secs A CMPGX 3.57 4.55 6.19 1,000 800-222-5852

Short-Term Bonds

Ivy Mortgage Securities A IYMAX 4.23 5.64 7.55 500 800-777-6472 Phoenix-Goodwin S/TBdA NARAX 4.81 7.12 7.26 500 800-243-4361 Rainier Interm Fixed-Inc RIMFX 2.29 5.12 6.55 25,000 800-248-6314 Brown Advisor Intrm Inc A BIATX 2.90 4.56 6.26 2,000 800-540-6807 William Blair Income N WBRRX 2.61 4.71 6.24 5,000 800-742-7272

Long-Term Bonds

Delaware Extended Duration Bond A DEEAX 10.03 12.69 11.73 1,000 800-362-7500 Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index VBLTX 8.40 9.36 10.53 3,000 800-662-7447 Vanguard Long-Term Inv.-Grade Fund VWESX 8.94 9.44 9.92 3,000 800-662-7447 Delaware Corporate Bond A DGCAX 7.07 10.19 9.59 1,000 800-362-7500 Lebenthal Taxable Municipal Bond LTMBX 5.53 7.95 9.58 2,500 800-221-5822

Muni National Interm. Bonds

Harris Insight Tax-Exempt Bond N HXBAX 3.20 6.58 7.88 1,000 800-982-8782 Delaware Tax-Free USA Intermediate A DMUSX 4.93 6.70 6.93 1,000 800-523-4640 Old Westbury Municipal Bond OWMBX 2.59 5.98 6.91 1,000 800-607-2200 Victory National Municipal Bond A VNMAX 3.24 5.54 6.75 500 800-539-3863 American Funds Tax-Exempt Bond A AFTEX 4.37 5.99 6.63 250 800-421-0180

High-Yield Bonds

Pioneer High Yield A TAHYX 6.75 11.13 12.56 1,000 800-225-6292 Westcore Flexible Income WTLTX 10.40 12.19 10.67 2,500 800-392-2673 Calamos High Yield A CHYDX 10.93 11.62 9.16 1,000 800-823-7386 AFBA Five Star Hi-Yld A AFHAX 8.14 9.85 N/A 500 800-243-9865 WM High Yield A CPHYX 11.43 13.95 8.47 1,000 800-222-5852

Top five funds in 20 categories (single-share class, retail only — no equal access, no institutional, open to new investors)Data through 12/31/2004
*Fund closed at press time.
Source: Morningstar Inc.
Morningstar makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this data, but cannot guarantee it.


