September 28, 2016
Life After 9-5: Transitioning From Your Career to Your Calling
BlackEnterprise.com is partnering with the award-winning The BOSS Network to bring you, BOSS UP every week. This feature will provide career and entrepreneurial advice across different industries, plus offer you tips and strategies for success.
“I quit!” Two words that millions of aspiring entrepreneurs would love to utter to their employer, with hopes of transitioning from their career to their calling.
More women, millennials, and minorities are becoming entrepreneurs. Some because of having identified an opportunity in the marketplace, while others are seeking a new direction because of job loss. Then there are those who have had a life-long dream to monetize a “gift,†a calling they have silenced due to fear, self-doubt, or a host of other reasons.
Whatever the circumstances are, in preparing to ditch the 9-to-5, I offer the following tips to consider as you map out your exit strategy:
- CREATE A WRITTEN PLAN – It’s quite simple: fail to plan, plan to fail.
- MINDSET SHIFT — Get your headspace right as you are about to embark upon unchartered territory. It is imperative that you identify any limiting beliefs that may have been blocking you from finally reaching the decision to make the leap. Address these things now so that they are less likely to surface later.
- CLARITY – Be realistic about the business you plan to pursue. Far too many aspiring entrepreneurs operate solely on passion. Passion is great. However, it is critical that what you are passionate about is also something that you have been gifted with or skilled at. To compensate for the income that you are planning to walk away from, your passion should also be capable of monetization. Passion alone generally does not pay the bills.
- MONEY TALKS – Financial preparation, or lack thereof, plays a huge factor in why most people remain tethered to a job–also why many end up with failed attempts at full-time entrepreneurship. Be realistic about your readiness before taking the leap. Your employer is an investor in your dreams. Are you truly ready to dispense with its contributions?
- WHO’S IN YOUR TRIBE? – Do not share your big dreams with small-minded people. Find other like-minded ones to hold you accountable and support you in your journey.
- HOUSEKEEPING – Begin to simplify your life in preparation for your impending exit. Decluttering may be required not just in your living and forthcoming workspace, but in your personal relationships as well. Not everyone in your “now” may be best suited for your “next.â€
- .”DELE-TASKING” – If you have not done so already, begin mastering the art of multitasking and delegating. You will need to be exceptional at both.
- BALANCE – Maintain your stellar performance in your job. However, if possible, avoid taking on any additional demanding responsibilities as you prepare to exit.
- DO IT! -When you are comfortable with all of the above and you can no longer tolerate your job, this just might be the time to give your notice.
- THE STAGE IS YOURS — Make note of it on your calendar–the first day of the beginning of your entrepreneurial life. Congratulations and most of all, good luck!
Jacqueline Miller is a speaker, author, and life strategist, empowering mothers to reconnect with their pre-mom dreams, guilt-free. Providing clarity and strategies to successfully manage their careers, family, relationships, finances, time, and self-care.  Learn more about Jacqueline via her website at thejacquelinemiller.com and follow her on Twitter @mogulmomdujour