June 14, 2022
Kanye West Accuses Adidas of Copying Design: ‘This Shoe is a Fake Yeezy’
Whenever Kanye West publishes a post on social media, controversy is likely brewing.
The temperamental billionaire is accusing sneaker company Adidas of selling a fake version of his signature sneaker, Yeezy. Ye is stating that the latest adidas offering, the Adilette Slide 22 is a knockoff of his Yeezy Slide.

According to Billboard, he went to his favorite mode of communication, Instagram, to accuse the sneaker maker of copying his design. In a now-deleted post, he wrote, “THIS IS YE driving down the same street Kobe passed on. Maybe I feel that Mamba spirit right now. To Kasper I’m not standing for this blatant copying no more. To all sneaker culture To every ball player rapper or even if you work at the store. This is for everyone who wants to express themselves but feel they can’t cause they’ll loose their contract or be called crazy.”
He ended the post by writing, “These shoes represent the disrespect that people in power have to the talent. This shoe is a fake Yeezy made by adidas themselves I’m not talking to DC about this either Kasper come talk to me Happy Monday.”
In typical Ye fashion, he stirred the pot and then deleted the post.
This was his latest social media post since his last month. The combative rapper returned months after being suspended from the social media platform. He announced that he is teaming up with industrial designer Naoto Fukasawa in a partnership that will benefit fast-food giant McDonald’s.
“Ye teams up with industrial designer Naoto Fukasawa to reimagine McDonald’s packaging.”
In 2015, the billionaire fashionista launched his first Yeezy collection with Adidas. Ye may have great reason to be upset with the sneaker company as he retains 100% ownership of his brand while having full creative control over the products released.