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How To Tackle “Your Biggest Weakness” In An Interview

The interview process can be very intimidating. Even if you’ve laid everything on the line, you’re never really sure how your answers compare. If you’ve done your interview prep, you’re on your way to success.

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One such question you should be sure to prepare for addresses your biggest weakness. How many people know off-hand what theirs is, or how you should answer it? Jacquelyn Smith,

a writer for Forbes, discusses ways you can take on and prepare for the dreaded question. Here are three of the most important:
  • “Be honest, but don’t mention essential skills.” You don’t want to put your foot in your mouth and disparage yourself about skills that would be helpful for the job you are interviewing for.
  • “Talk about how you’ve conquered the weakness”
    This is probably the most important element to your interviewer. Showing how you have conquered and overcome your weakness displays the growth that you have had and will continue to implement in your future career.
  • “Only discuss work-related weaknesses.” It is so easy to delve into personal aspects of your life that you feel you have to work on, but unless it also relates to your professional life check it at the door.

Read more at Forbes

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