Inspiring Others

Throughout my life, people have told me that I write the most inspiring letters and cards. How can I get a job with a company that makes inspirational products, license my writings to them, or start my own greeting card business. –S. Simmons, Italy, TX

The ability to touch the hearts of others and inspire them with words is a gift. And, of course, with any entrepreneurial pursuit, you have to thoroughly research the endeavor as well as be realistic about your expectations.

Greeting card companies like Hallmark and American Greetings do not accept unsolicited work or third-party submissions. But you can apply for writing positions via their Websites.

In the meantime, put together a media kit featuring your best work. Begin working to copyright and trademark your original work. Also, offer free samples to local churches, hospitals, and other organizations where you can get exposure.
Reach out to the Greeting Card Association (, a trade organization that can offer you resources, contacts, and advice.

Read Freelance Writing for Greeting Card Companies by Patrisha Strauss (Brown & Strauss Productions; $9.95); Writing for Quick Cash: Turn Your Way With Words into Real Money by Loriann Hoff Oberlin (AMACOM; $14.95); and You Can Write Greeting Cards by Karen Ann Moore (Writer’s Digest Books; $12.99).

Mail your motivational questions to Pep Talk, BLACK ENTERPRISE
130 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011 or send an e-mail to
