June 11, 2015
Industry Leaders Talk Diversity in Film, at 2nd Hollywood Creative Forum East
The question of whether crowdfunding is an effective model was asked by an audience member, and Williams chimed in, “crowdfunding is a good model, but it’s a challenge. If you have a good audience you can make money, but it’s difficult to get that audience if you don’t have it already.”
Toward the end of the conversation, Fontaine provided the surprising statistic that more women play video games than men. A well kept secret, that not many are aware of, is that there is a need for creative women to work in the gaming industry.
BlackEnterprise.com caught up with several of the attendees, including Ryan Richmond, director of production at Aspire TV; Sherrese Moise, producer at Imagine Media; and deputy executive director of the Walter Kaitz Foundation, Michelle A Ray.
BlackEnterprise.com: What is it like being a working professional of color in the filmmaking industry?
Moise: It’s an amazing opportunity. There is always creativity and opportunities to learn more and for yourself to grow, and to feel that you have an opportunity to make a difference. You always feel that you can go forward, even in a negative situation. When something may have gone negatively, you can take that as a living lesson, so you can always take that and spin it positive.
What are some benefits to attending events such as the Hollywood Creative Forum East, in terms of networking and developing?
Moise: There are so many benefits. You will definitely meet industry partners, people doing the same thing as you, as well as people who can share their stories. New mentors, new friends, new business partners, new relationships, and you can also check yourself and really get a reality check on your content. In terms of having a great story, everybody thinks they have a great story, but you have to be realistic. Is this story something you can sell? Do you have the whole package? Are you still concentrating on doing the content vs. the marketing and skills that it takes? It gives producers, directors, creative people and writers an opportunity to check themselves, as well as meet and greet people who have those drives and put it together to form one unit, one small partnership of people who can make one actual project successful.
Richmond: Something like this is very important. You’re hearing from people who have success in the industry that you want to be in, from many different angles. As we know, the environment is continually changing, so the people who came here today were hand-picked, and they have the experience relating to what is going on in the market right now, which is invaluable no matter where you are in your career. Whether you’re an independent or freelancer, exec at a network or content creator, the environment changes so much, and it’s affecting every level. It’s important to hear those individuals at the forefront. They’ve done a great job at plucking those with talents and skill sets–to give their experience to everybody else.
What do you hope participants will get out of attending today?
Ray: What we’re trying to create here is a marketplace of people who come from a creative background, people of color in particular, so they can interface with development execs and production company executives. We facilitate that dialogue, so they are provided with opportunities to work behind the camera; this creates the marketplace for them to come together.
What is the relationship between ABFF and the Walter Kaitz Foundation?
Ray: We’ve been talking to ABFF for a few years. This is the 2nd year we’re embarking on this endeavor. Our foundation is steep in television, specifically to cable television, so we’re hoping to help enhance the television experience for ABFF attendees and vice versa. People from ABFF will understand who we are as well. It’s a symbiotic relationship.
For complete coverage of the 2015 American Black Film Festival, visit www.blackenterprise.com/tag/abff or follow along on social media using #ABFF2015. For more information on the films, schedules, and activities, download the BE Events app on iTunes or Google Play.