How to Use Social Media, Without Getting Sucked In

Many of us have been there. You’re about to start on a project or head out the door, but, after you look at your Facebook newsfeed, Twitter stream or Instagram account, you’re stuck on social media. You’ve been moved to comment and chime into the social chatter consuming your social feeds.

Well, it’s time to regain control–and back away from your smart device (just for a few). In honor of the National Day of Unplugging, here are 4 ways to avoid getting distracted by social media:

Limit Auto-Log-Ins and Keep a Low Profile

Daily Muse says: Forcing yourself to manually type in your user

name and password will give you a spilt second to ask yourself: “Do I really want to be looking at my mini-feed or Twitter stream right now?” The same applies to Gmail or Facebook chat features. Stay invisible or offline until you’re sure you have time to chat with people–or risk the constant dings of conversation taking you off track.

Read more at Daily Muse…


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