How To Stand Out While Applying for Jobs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How To Stand Out While Applying for Jobs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Over the past few weeks, more than 6.6 million Americans have filed for unemployment. Yet, despite sudden layoffs and constant changes to the workforce, companies are still hiring. And while there might be more people looking for employment now than a month ago, opportunities to get hired still exist. The latest edition of the #GetHired newsletter produced by LinkedIn outlined how job seekers can stand out while applying for jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Related: How to Get Your Home—and Your Home Office—Ready for Working From Home 

Here are a few highlighted pieces of advice:

Stand Out During Your Search

  • Prioritize your accomplishments – Most professionals aim to have a one-page résumé which can be a challenge for people who have been working for more than a decade in their industry. Nevertheless, it is key to list your quantifiable success at the top of your résumé.
  • Keywords are king –  Many job board platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and others identify keywords used in résumés to help match people with recruiters. It is important to know and use keywords that are applicable to the role in which you are applying for and your industry in general.
  • Prepare for video interviews – Make sure that your background is neat and well lit. Dress for success and put your best self forward. When following up with recruiters and employers, be politely persistent in waiting for a response.
  • Social proof matters – Your digital footprint still matters. Depending on what industry you’re in, it is helpful to have social media proof that you are a thought leader or regularly adding value to conversations online. Social media is still one of the ways the recruiters and hiring managers find and vet talent.
  • Clean up your LinkedIn profile – Now is an opportune time to spend time tailoring your LinkedIn profile. Update your job descriptions, ask colleagues for recommendations, and let recruiters know that you are open to opportunities.
  • For recent college graduates: Craft your career narrative, network, and scout out opportunities that interest you. It is also important that you apply for positions even if they are on hold by companies.

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