Paul Fischer
Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee
I started my job search really early. The job search was kind of tough with me being a senior in my fall semester. I was also searching for graduate schools at the time. It’s mostly been about who I know and the people I’ve made connections with. Right now, I’m going through a recruiting process at with the Association for the Help of Retarded Children (AHRC). They’ve got me entered into the system, but they’re trying to figure out where they can place me.
I found out about the job through my mom, who works at the company. She’s made some great connections at the company, and I was able to go and just market myself. I talked to people, told them what I want to do, and what my goals are. I was trying to decide between an internship in Washington D.C. at the Department of Health and Human Services and this job I’m up for now. My research project coordinator at school helped me get the application for the internship together. I decided, after talking to my mother, to apply for the job with AHRC and allow the job to pay for graduate school. I’ve also applied to CAMBA Inc. , which deals directly with the research I was involved with at school, infant mortality and pregnancy prevention. I’m still going for a couple jobs right now but these are the two that I’m focusing my attention on.