Home work

I am wondering how I can earn money while staying at home and being a mom. I have a little money saved up, but I want to make more. I am a 28-year-old single parent. How can I get started?

–S. Davis, Quebec, Canada

There are a lot of businesses that can be launched and run from home. Examples include making and selling custom gift baskets, home inspection, and organization services for the office or home. Only you can decide what you are willing and qualified to do. That means you need to start researching your options.

In addition to home-based businesses, look into home-based franchises. Visit the International Franchise Association’s Website (www.franchise.org) and search its database of more than 1,200 franchises. In Canada, contact the Canadian Franchise Association (www.cfa.ca).

You also need to read books about home-based business opportunities. Here are two to start with: The Best Home Businesses for the 21st Century (Tarcher; $17.95) by Paul Edwards and 101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women, 3rd Edition: Everything You Need to Know About Getting Started on the Road to Success (For Fun & Profit) (Three Rivers Press; $15.95) by Priscilla Huff.

Remember, a home-based business takes just as much commitment and professionalism as a standard business venture. Include in your plan your resources and sources of capital, as well as how you will execute your responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner. And as always, input determines output.
