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High School Summer Programs

Summer isn’t just a time to lounge around with friends and take trips to the beach.For students who are serious about getting accepted to top colleges, summer is also the time to participate in programs that will set them apart from their peers.Martha Allman, director of admissions at Wake Forest University says that even if a student is not in the best school system, summer programs offer “enrichment opportunities [and] enhance your education.”

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There are numerous programs available, all of which vary greatly in location, cost, duration, and selectivity. Typically, programs last from one week to one month beginning in June or July. Aside from some government-funded programs, which are free, costs range from $500 to $4,000 for domestic programs and $4,000 to $7,000 for international programs. Don’t let costs deter you, however, because the majority of programs offer merit scholarships and need-based financial aid. Application deadlines differ greatly;

some programs close acceptance in the fall, others in the spring and some offer rolling admissions until all spaces are filled. As a general rule of thumb, apply as early as possible because scholarship deadlines are always earlier.

Many colleges and universities have summer programs for high school students so it is key to check out an individual school’s Website, or contact the summer term office for more information.

Isaac Black, founder of Black Excel: The College Help Network, says, “Involvement might signal things about your character, drive, leadership potential, personal initiative, self-confidence and maturity, special talents and skills, and whether you’ll be a plus on a particular campus.”

Not all summer programs are competitive, but use them as a practice run for applying to college. Some require letters of recommendation, high GPAs, interviews and community involvement. Students can also earn up to three college credits at many programs, thus increasing their benefit. Here you can find a wide range of summer programs and resources sure to suit the needs of any student:



Global Scholars: Expand your knowledge of world affairs through college-level coursework and videoconferences with students worldwide. www.aidemocracy.org/globalscholar

LEAD Summer Business Institute: Experience life as a student at one of the nation’s leading business schools. www.leadprogram.org

National Student Leadership Conference: In programs ranging from entrepreneurship and business to forensic science, students participate in leadership workshops, career simulations, and hear prominent guest speakers. www.nslcleaders.org

Honorable Mentions:

Boys or Girls State www.boysandgirlsstate.org

Citizenship Washington Focus http://4hcwf.org

Congressional Youth Leadership Council www.cylc.org

Exploration Summer Programs www.explo.org

Governor’s School http://ncogs.org/web

Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs www.jkcp.com

Presidential Classroom www.presidentialclassroom.org

Tavis Smiley Foundation Leadership Institute www.youthtoleaders.org

Upward Bound www.ed.gov/programs/trioupbound/index.html

Ventures Scholars Program www.venturescholar.org

Level Playing Field Institute www.lpfi.org



Academic Study Associates Program: Summersion and Summerfuel programs provide exciting cultural immersion and pre-college programs. www.asaprograms.com

LEAD-America Ambassadors Abroad: Become a global citizen as you tour China, Europe, or Australia and learn about their unique cultures. www.lead-america.org/conferences/ambassadorsabroad

People to People Student Ambassador Programs: Earn college credit while traveling the world with the program founded by President Dwight Eisenhower. www.studentambassadors.org

Honorable Mentions:

Academic Treks http://academictreks.com

AIFS Summer Advantage www.summeradvantage.com

American Field Services www.usa.afs.org

Brighton Study Abroad www.brightonedge.org

Edu-culture International www.educulture.org

The Experiment in International Living www.worldlearning.org/225.htm

Global Leadership Adventures http://experiencegla.com

Global Routes www.globalroutes.org

Intrax Study Abroad www.intraxstudyabroad.com

The Summer Youth Employment Program www.nyc.gov/html/dycd/html/jobs/summer_youth_employment.shtml

VISIONS www.visionsserviceadventures.com


For more options visit www.highschoolprogramsabroad.com or http://highschool.studyabroad.com/ to customize a program search to meet your needs.


Additional resources:

American Mathematical Society www.ams.org/employment/mathcamps.html

ASEE Engineering Center www.engineeringk12.org/outreach/Making_Engineers_Cool/search.cfm

Doors of Opportunity www.doorsofopportunity.org

Engineering Education Service Center www.engineeringedu.com/summercamps.html

Enrichment Alley www.enrichmentalley.com

Peterson’s https://www.collegeraptor.com/find-colleges/articles/student-life/tips-for-finding-the-right-summer-program/

Sloan Career Cornerstone Center www.careercornerstone.org/pcsumcamps.htm

Student Education Programs www.studenteducationprograms.com

Summer Medical and Dental Education Program www.smdep.org

Year-round Programs:

A Better Chance www.abetterchance.org

The Achieve Program www.nobles.edu

Boston Scholars www.bostonscholars.org

Building Educated Leaders for Life (BELL) www.bellnewyork.org

Building with Books www.buildingwithbooks.org

Breakthrough Collaborative www.breakthroughcollaborative.org

Bright Prospect Scholar Support Program www.brightprospect.org

Business Advancement & Social Entrepreneurship (BASE) www.basenational.org

Emerging Scholars Program (ESP) www.emergingscholarsprogram.org

Hartford Youth Scholars Foundation (HYSF) www.hysf.org

High Jump www.highjumpchicago.org

Higher Achievement Program www.higherachievement.org

Jeter’s Leaders www. www.nyjetersleaders.com

Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) www.kipp.org

Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America (LEDA) www.ledascholars.org

Let’s Get Ready www.letsgetready.org

Liberty LEADS Program www.bankstreet.edu/libertyleads

New Jersey SEEDS www.njseeds.org

One Voice Scholars Program www.onevoice-la.org

The Opportunity Network www.opportunitynetwork.org

Philadelphia Futures www.philadelphiafutures.org

The Posse Foundation www.possefoundation.org

Prep for Prep www.prepforprep.org

Rainier Scholars www.rainierscholars.org

Sponsors for Educational Opportunity www.seo-usa.org

The Steppingstone Foundation www.tsf.org

Washington Metropolitan Scholars www.wmscholars.org

YES for PREP www.yesforprep.org

Youth Bridge www.youthbridge.com


Scholarship Resources:

Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund (DMSF) www.dmsf.org

Scholarship Chicago www.scholarshipchicago.org

Black Excel www.blackexcel.org/200-Scholarships.html


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