December 6, 2022
Here’s What Happens When 25,000 Women Go Vegan Together
Award-winning public health nutritionist, 35-year vegan activist, and best-selling author Tracye McQuirter, MPH, recently held another free 21-Day Vegan Fresh Start program from September 18 – October 9, 2022 and the results were extraordinary.
This marks the fourth free 21-Day Vegan Fresh Start program as part of McQuirter’s 10 Million Black Vegan Women Movement, a revolutionary public health intervention that is changing the health paradigm of Black women now and for generations to come, according to a release.
The 21-Day Vegan Fresh Start continues to attract a sizable cohort of women, with 3,705 enrolling. Participants who responded to the post-program survey obtained remarkable health benefits from the 21-Day Vegan Fresh Start:
- An astounding 77% of the respondents ate 80-100% of their meals completely vegan, tying the 2020 10K Vegan Fresh Start program for an all-time high.
- The high intake of nutritious, plant-based foods contributed to weight loss for 72% of respondents, ranging from 1.2 to 15 pounds and improved general health for 71%.
- Remarkably, 14% of respondents addressed specific health conditions as a result of program participation.
- Other notable gains attributed to the program include: lowered blood pressure and cholesterol for 43% and 39% of the respondents, respectively.
- A significant number of respondents (54%) reported having more energy, increased mental clarity (43%) and strengthened immunity (20%).

“I couldn’t be happier with the results we saw after this program,” said Tracye McQuirter, MPH. “We are truly changing the way Black women look at nutrition and health proving we really are what we eat. I encourage Black women looking to change their lives to check out 10MillionBlackVeganWomen.org/freshstart and join our incredible community.”
Data shows the 21-Day Vegan Fresh Start effectively promotes, educates and prepares women to live a healthy vegan lifestyle. Amazingly, 64% of the respondents ate more vegetables, 60% enjoyed cooking more, 59% gained confidence in going vegan and an impressive number (43%) learned how to prepare meals. And it doesn’t stop there, as a smaller, yet growing number of respondents(17%) experienced a greater commitment to the environment and 10% sensed a greater compassion for animals.
McQuirter’s free 21-Day Vegan Fresh Start programs have helped thousands of Black women experience life-changing health benefits, including weight loss, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improved mood and cognitive function, and more.
Tracye McQuirter is a transformative leader in the field of plant-based nutrition and Black women’s health, and has been helping people go vegan for more than 30 years. McQuirter created 10 MIllion Black Vegan Women to change the paradigm of Black women’s health. She is the author of Ageless Vegan and By Any Greens Necessary, and created the first free African American Vegan Starter Guide. The New York Times cited her work as a key factor driving the rise in veganism among African Americans. McQuirter was also an advisor for the Black Women’s Health Imperative and Spelman College, and an adjunct professor at the University of the District of Columbia Center for Nutrition, Diet, and Health. McQuirter has a Master’s degree in Public Health Nutrition from New York University and a Bachelor’s degree in Black Studies from Amherst College.
For more information, please visit: 10millionblackveganwomen.org/freshstart/.