March 24, 2014
Black Enterprise, Toyota to Host ‘Hackathon’ for Black Techies in NYC
*Register for the Hackathon here*
Black Enterprise will host its first Driving Innovation Hackathon presented by Toyota, where technology and creative minds will come together to build tools that demonstrate the advantages of sustainability. The Driving Innovation program was created by Black Enterprise in partnership with Toyota to shine light on African Americans in technology.
The Hackathon will take place at Black Enterprise headquarters, 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 on March 29th -30th, 2014. The event will be open to the public from 10-2pm and 3-7pm on Saturday and 9am-noon on Sunday. Technologists, innovators and coders will form teams to design and develop their solutions. It will also be live stream at blackenterprise.com/drivinginnovation. You will be able to tune in for the full 24 hours as the hackers go head to head trying to create the best game possible.
Select teams will then hack it out to see who can create the best interactive digital game for Toyota. The winner’s game will serve as an exciting method of educating users on how to make positive sustainability choices in connection with the Toyota Green Initiative (TGI).
RELATED: Black Techies Host Hackathon to Honor Martin Luther King
This program was created to help the African American community find smart, simple ideas that can make a positive environmental impact in their community. The technology created may be utilized at TGI tour events via tablet, flat screen monitors, and interactive tabletops or online at ToyotaGreen.com.
Leaders of the technology and innovation communities will judge which team was most successful. The experience of the Hackathon will also be livestreamed and available to everyone. The winner of the contest will receive exclusive coverage in Black Enterprise Magazine and featured on BlackEnterprise.com.
“Black Enterprise is committed to gathering people of diverse backgrounds together to experience the joys and discovery of digital game building with a twist,†said Shelly Jones, V.P/Director of Digital at Black Enterprise. “With our wonderful partners at Toyota, we will help you explore ways in which technology can help give life a richer experience while you educate and encourage people to live an environmentally green lifestyle.â€
We encourage those who want to stop by and see the event in action to register for a free ticket on Eventbrite to let us know you’ll be in attendance.
If you’re a coder who wants to put your skills to the test, check out the Hacker League page to get more information about the event and apply.
“Just want to attend and check out the action? RSVP here http://bit.ly/hackathonBE
Here’s are the judges and prizes for the event: