trump, RNC, black vote, Baltimore, Black Trump supporters

Black Trump Supporters Answer What They Think Are Democrats’ Misconceptions About Black Voters

Fox News interviewed a dozen men at a Michigan Trump rally about their opinions on the Democratic Party.

According to a Fox News report, the Democratic Party has had a long-standing precedent of receiving voter support from Black people. Still, some say former President Trump has been drawing away that demographic from the blue. The news outlet interviewed over a dozen Black Trump supporters at a Grand Rapids rally about what misconceptions they believe Democrats have about them.

One of these Black trump supporters criticized Democrats for having a preoccupation with race. 

“Not all of us think of ourselves in relation to our skin color,” Detroit native Jermaine said. “This is really about values and morals and how you see the world.”

Henry, of Battle Creek, agreed, “No person is special because of their race. You don’t have to treat us like we’re a brand-new creature, OK? Trying to make me think that I deserve more than somebody else; I’ve been mistreated more than others. No. We’re just normal people.”

President Joe Biden won an impressive 87% of the Black popular vote in 2020, but as we approach this year’s election, Black votes in support of Democrats have been declining. By the time Biden stepped down from the presidential race, only 69% of Black voters in a Fox News poll said they would vote for Vice President Kamala Harris over Trump. However, more recent surveys have revealed that Harris could begin to improve on the dwindling numbers of Black Democratic voters against former President Trump.

Another man at the Grand Rapids Trump rally complained that Democrats tend to underestimate the people’s ambition to succeed. He stated that the American economy was better under Trump, and citizens also felt more encouraged to have class mobility. 

“It doesn’t matter how they look. It doesn’t matter where they come from. Everybody wants to succeed,” he said. “They want a chance at that American future and if the conservative movement shows them that that’s where they’re going to find that success, then guess where they’re going to go?”

Grandville’s Martin went so far as to say that Democrats were actually out of touch with current Black voters and that they took the precedence for granted. 

Several people said Democrats were out of touch with Black voters.

“The Black vote has long stood with the Democratic Party … and I feel like they have taken that for granted and they haven’t done much with it. We can’t be bought with socialist agendas. We are smart, and we’re able.”

He continued, “They think that we need handouts. And it’s just not like that. We’re hardworking people. They don’t have Black voters if they don’t have any broke Black voters.”

“Trump is for everybody.”

RELATED CONTENT: VP Harris Erases Trump’s Gain With Black Voters In New Polls
