Gen Z Chooses Texas As Top Destination, Defying Traditional Hotspots

Dallas. (Photo by Terrance Barksdale/Pexels)

FOX 5 Atlanta reports that Texas has emerged as the top destination for Gen Z individuals, according to a recent analysis by the housing platform Zillow. The Lone Star State has seen a remarkable surge in Gen Z residents, outpacing perennially popular choices like California and New York in the post-COVID landscape.

Utilizing data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2022 American Community Survey (ACS), Zillow’s analysis revealed that Texas experienced the most significant gain in Gen Z movers year over year. Edward Berchick, Zillow’s principal population scientist, highlighted Texas’ appeal, citing job opportunities and relative affordability as major factors.

“Texas offers job opportunities and relative affordability. Many parts of Texas have been successful [in] building a lot of new housing to better accommodate its new residents,” said Berchick about the state’s proactive approach to housing development.

Texas boasted a net gain of 76,000 new Gen Z residents, significantly surpassing California, which came in second with nearly 44,000 new Gen Z inhabitants, followed by Florida, with just over 41,000. The data from the ACS also indicated that Texas experienced the largest numeric change in population overall, adding 473,453 people.

Interestingly, California, while still attracting young movers, witnessed the highest outbound migration among all out-of-state movers. Zillow’s population scientist pointed out that California’s dynamic urban areas attract people of all generations, contributing to the state’s ongoing population shifts.

The list of top 10 states where Gen Z is moving also includes traditionally more expensive states like Washington, Colorado, and Virginia. Zillow’s breakdown of ACS numbers revealed that 77% of Gen Z adults in those states are renters, with California, Washington, Colorado, and Virginia having higher median rental prices than the national average of $1,300.

Berchick delved into the implications of Gen Z’s choice to move to more expensive states, suggesting it could be due to higher paying job opportunities or a willingness among younger workers to be flexible in their living arrangements. He noted that they might be more open to living with roommates in smaller places, or farther away from city centers, at the start of their careers.

States with the lowest Gen Z net migration included Michigan, Maryland, and Idaho, with Michigan being the only state exhibiting a negative trend where more Gen Zers left than moved in. Berchick emphasized that as movers age their preferences might shift toward states where they can afford to settle down, start a family, and eventually retire.

Gen Z, defined as individuals born between 1996 and 2004, is making strategic decisions about their living arrangements, seeking places that align with their career goals and lifestyle preferences.

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