From Speculation To Structure

in a largely minority area.”

Overall, Clemons is pleased with how much his financial picture has brightened. “Ms. Morris has gotten me organized and on track financially. She has helped keep me in line with my goals and objectives. I now have a general overview of my financial picture, which we assess on an annual basis. So far it’s meeting my expectations.”

The last thing for Clemons to do is act on Broussard-Morris’ recommendations regarding estate planning. “Once I’m fully settled in my new office, that’s the next thing I will tackle,” Clemons says. Broussard-Morris says there’s no time like the present. “I have stressed that it’s important [for Clemons to have] a succession plan for his business and personal assets, and to ensure that they go to whomever he wants [should] something happen to him,” she says. “Estate planning is critical, especially for doctors who work so hard and lack the time to put all the details in place.”
