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Finding Your Way

I’m 22 and need help finding myself. I was laid off from a job I didn’t like, but it paid well. I’ve been so lost about what to do. I have ideas, but no money, and my confidence level is low. I’m interested in writing films and short stories. I would like to go to college, but I’m not sure how to obtain aid. Can you help?
— D.D. Potts, Rock Hill, SC

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Realizing the importance of achieving your career aspirations is notable. This setback can be turned around; now is

forwp-incontent-custom-banner ampforwp-incontent-ad2"> the time to regroup and refocus. It is your responsibility to follow through.
To start, research and identify those schools you are considering; find out their application requirements and deadlines. Check out the Federal Student Aid Website (www.studen taid.ed.gov) or call 800-433-3243 for information on applying for aid.

If writing is your interest, seek out employment, internships, or even volunteer opportunities with local publications or television stations. In addition, locate writer’s workshops in your area for assistance.

Also, reach out to your local United Way (www.unitedway.org) and NAACP (www.naacp.org) chapters. These organizations can provide you with a support system and resources specific to your situation. For encouragement, read Six Lessons for Six Sons: An Extraordinary Father, A Simple Formula for Success

by Joe Massengale (Harmony Books, $23) and “The Rules of Reinvention” (BLACK ENTERPRISE, January 2007).
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