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Federal Fund Targets Investments in Underserved Communities

In 1990, when Willie Murriel received a loan from Sunrise Bank to purchase the building he used for Murriel’s Paint and Body Shop in Jackson, Miss., he never fell behind, never filed for bankruptcy, and repaid the loan as scheduled in 2001.

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But in 2003, when he needed another loan to purchase equipment — a hydraulic lift and a paint booth, he was turned down by five banks despite having earned annual revenues that averaged $212,000.

“I thought [my financial history] would account for something, but it didn’t mean anything,’ said Murriel, referring to the banks’ insistence that his auto shop did not hold enough collateral and his credit score was too low to receive financing.

Murriel had given up hope, but in 2008 he encountered Ray Williams, the loan officer who approved his first loan. Williams was now employed at Enterprise Corporation of the Delta/Hope Community Credit Union, and believed that ECD could assist Murriel.  ECD/HOPE took into account that Murriel’s Body Shop had successfully served the working class, minority neighborhood since 1986 and loaned him $50,000.

ECD/HOPE helps hundreds of businesses build wealth, generate income, and employ people in areas that desperately need jobs. They accomplish this due to their membership in The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund, a federal agency that provides mortgage financing for low-income and first-time homebuyers

and commercial loans to small start-up or expanding businesses. The loan application process at a CDFI institution is the same as with mainstream banks. Click here for a for a list of certified CDFIs by state.

CDFI‘s provide injections of private capital into low-income communities with the ultimate goal of stimulating economic revitalization in areas that are underserved by traditional banks,” says Donna Gambrell, director of the CDFI Fund.

The staff at ECD/HOPE thought Murriel’s shop would make a sound investment, because it provided a critical service that gave local residents an affordable means of transportation to get to and from work, says William Bynum, CEO of ECD/HOPE, a credit union with 28,000 members, 11 full-service retail branches and eight lending offices in Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee.

“Everybody unfortunately can’t go out and purchase a new vehicle,” says Bynum. “There are small entrepreneurs like Murriel across the country that are filling the gaps in communities that need the same tools and services that more prosperous communities have.”

Under President Barack Obama’s Recovery Act the CDFI Fund received an extra $100 million for CDFI program grants. If the 2010 budget is approved it will receive a 127% increase over the 2009 budget of $107 million, which will further help small businesses climb out of the credit crisis.

As for Murriel, he was able to buy the equipment he needed, and as a result he says his revenue increased by 10%, and productivity and sales increased also. He is also considering adding a fourth employee.

“I didn’t think it could be done,” says Murriel. “I went to all the big banks and they said I didn’t qualify. I think ECD was my only Hope.”


Got a small business idea that needs funding? Visit your local CDFI or Community Development Entity (CDE) for loan eligibility information. Visit the CDFI Fund Website for a list of certified CDFIs and (CDEs) by state

Click here for resources on how to certify your financial institution or company as a CDFI:

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