January 26, 2022
33-Year-Old Father Killed in Front of Daughter During Custody Exchange
A man was shot and killed over the weekend in a parking lot at a police station after he dropped his daughter off during a custody exchange.
According to WTVR, 33-year-old father Stuart D. Jeffries was gunned down by his ex-wife’s new boyfriend last week at a Virginia police station. Jeffries, who had gone to drop off his eight-year-old daughter, was killed in front of her in the parking lot during the custody exchange.
The Chesterfield Police Department confirmed that Jeffries was shot Sunday evening in the parking lot of the Appomattox Police Station at 2920 W. Hundred Road. The incident took place at approximately 6:30 p.m. last week on Jan. 16. Jeffries was dropping his daughter off after spending the weekend with her.
A family member of Jeffries posted about the senseless shooting on Facebook.
“Now this one just pissed me off!! Cuz was shot and killed trying to be a good father. There are so many unnecessary killings going on in our community. We have so many so called wanna be gangstas that will kill someone over stupid mess! Everyone is walking around with a gun trying to prove they ain’t no punk or they ain’t soft. I myself was guilty of this stupidity. Killing someone doesn’t make you a man, but walking away does.”
“R.I.P. Stuart StayFresh Jeffries”
The killer, identified as 44-year-old Corey D. Goodson Sr. Goodson, was arrested at the scene. He’s charged with second-degree murder and the use of a firearm in the commission of a felony.
“Two parties met to complete a child custody exchange in the parking lot at Appomattox Police Station,” it was confirmed by a Chesterfield Police spokesperson in an email.
“At the time of the exchange, an on-duty officer was working in his patrol vehicle in the station parking lot; the officer was facing away from where the custody exchange was occurring.”