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Florida Man ‘Dr. Love’ Going Back to Prison After Another Scam

A man who was previously imprisoned for impersonating a doctor has been sentenced again for a new scam.

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According to The Associated Press, last week, 25-year-old Malachi Love-Robinson was sentenced to over two years and four months after pleading guilty to grand theft and organized scheme to defraud in Palm Beach County, FL.

The repeat offender pleaded guilty to stealing more than $10,000 from the company he was working

for. Court documents reveal that in 2020, Robinson was working as a salesperson for a company that connects shippers with trucking companies. However, instead of having customers send payments to the company, Love-Robinson directed payments to accounts that he controlled.

Love-Robinson became infamous in 2016 when he used the moniker “Dr. Love” and opened a facility, The New Birth New Life Medical Center, at the age of 18. He was somehow able to swindle several people under this guise.

(Image Facebook)

He was accused of stealing $30,000 from a woman in her 80s who he treated and made house calls to. He was also able to steal an additional $20,000 from a doctor. A sting operation was set up and he was caught and arrested after Love-Robnson examined an undercover police officer posing as a patient. The fake doctor

also prescribed treatment to the police officer.

According to NBC News, at a press conference that took place in 2016, Love-Robinson stated that he had been interested in naturopathic treatment and never implied that he was a doctor of medicine.

“This was not about me trying to hurt people, this was not about me trying to say I’m a medical doctor,” Love-Robinson said. “Because, honestly, people have misconstrued my name, they misconstrued my age, they’ve misconstrued where I’m from, they’ve misconstrued everything about me.”

Prison did not deter him from committing more crimes.

While he was out on bail later that year, Love-Robinson was arrested in Virginia after he tried to purchase a Jaguar with a stolen credit card.

He entered a plea of guilty in both cases and was in prison until his release in 2019.

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