- Golf & Tennis
- BE Golf & Tennis Challenge
- golf & tennis challenge 2015
by Safon Floyd
- Golf & Tennis 2015
- BE Golf & Tennis Challenge
- Golf & Tennis Challenge
- golf tips
by Safon Floyd
- Music Industry
- women professionals
- Golf & Tennis
- Golf & Tennis 2015
- BE Golf & Tennis Challenge
- Queen of Soca
- Soca
- celebrity
by Safon Floyd
- Golf & Tennis Challenge
- Events
- BE Golf & Tennis Challenge
- Queen of Soca
- Soca
- women professionalse
- alison hinds
by Safon Floyd
- BE Golf and Tennis Challenge
- Doug E. Fresh
- Golf & Tennis
- Golf & Tennis 2015
by Safon Floyd
- Golf & Tennis Challenge
- Labor Day Weekend
- early-bird registration
- discounted registration
- PGA National Resort & Spa
- Golf & Tennis 2015
- Golf & Tennis Challenge
- tennis
- golf
- relationships
- couples
- Golf and Tennis
- goodlife-lifestyle
- Golf & Tennis 2015
- women entrepreneurs
- Entrepreneurship
- Women of Power
- young professionals
- black female entrepreneurs
- women professionals
by Brittany Dandy