End of the World Checklist: Do You Have Your Financial House in Order?

It’s all over the news, on evangelists’ posters, and in water cooler discussions across the nation: the end of the world. It is predicted to happen Saturday, May 21, 2011 by multimillionaire radio evangelist Harold Camping. Some–arguably in a minority–are fathoming the thought, preparing for their “last day,” while many are carrying on with their everyday routines, taking in the info as folklore or hearsay.

This isn’t the first time the world was predicted to “end,” from Monks’ predicting the end of times back in the 1200s to Camping’s 1994 prediction, a day that came and went like the Jheri Curl. Though, tomorrow may not be the end for all of us–considering the track record of accuracy in past predictions–two things have been unavoidable since the beginning of time: growing old and dying.

Prepare today to get your financial house in order, so that in the very likely case that a major life-changing moment occurs, your family and those left to carry on your legacy are well taken care of. Here’s a checklist to help get you started so you can make sure you’re prepared…in the end:
