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Oldest Living American, Elizabeth Francis, Dies Peacefully At Age 115

At the time of her death, the Houston resident was reportedly the 54th oldest person in the world to ever live.

Elizabeth Francis, who died on Oct. 22 at the age of 115, was the oldest living American and the third-oldest person in the world.

The supercentenarian, who turned 115 earlier this year, died peacefully, according to ABC News. Born in 1909, Francis was reportedly the 54th oldest person in the world and the 21st oldest American to ever live at the time of her death. Francis was born in Louisiana but was a longtime resident of Houston and respected and honored by family, political leaders, and members of the community. During her life, she ran a coffee shop as a single mother.

She lived at home with her 95-year-old daughter, Dorothy Williams, and was alert to the interactions and conversations around her, even without the assistance of hearing aids, noted global human longevity company LongeviQuest. Every day, Francis was able to look up at her walls and find proclamations from political leaders in Houston who visited her regularly. Civil rights attorney Ben Crump penned a message in remembrance of the Houston elder. He described her as “a powerful pearl of wisdom.”

As BLACK ENTERPRISE previously mentioned, Francis was a single mother who ran a coffee shop. The secret behind Francis’ long life included a loving family, abstaining from drinking alcohol and smoking, and staying highly active throughout her years.

Francis’ 69-year-old granddaughter, Ethel Harrison, also her caregiver, said she loved people and the Lord. “Her faith was extremely strong,” Harrison said. Even though Francis lost her own mother when she was 11 years old, she stood strong as the backbone of the family. She stayed strong through times of segregation and two world wars by holding fast to her faith. She was a member of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church, and her favorite Bible verse from the book of John states: “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Harrison attested to her grandmother’s noble character. “…She would always say, treat people like you want to be treated. And that was her motto.”

At age 114, the elderly woman told ABC Houston KTRK-TV that she still felt young. Healthy eating was the norm for Francis as she constantly grew her own vegetables and cooked at home. When asked about her status as the oldest living American, Francis said, “I just feel like living every day!”

Harrison said her grandmother was a “jolly” woman — a personality that reflected what LongeviQuest stated was her favorite color — yellow. Anyone who desires to reach her age should speak their mind and not hold their tongue, according to a tip BE mentioned she shared earlier this year.

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