Election Day 2020: Americans Axiously Wait For A Winner While Cities and States Hope For Peaceful Day

Although more than 95 million Americans have already voted, Election Day is expected to be one of the most important in the country’s history and yet, no one knows exactly what to expect.

This election has already shattered most voting records and is expected to smash a few more before it ends. Most Americans have decided who they’re voting for months ago, but now are wondering if their vote will count and if the courts will take the decision out of American hands.

At the same time, many states are preparing for what could be a day full of controversy, protests, and issues at polling sites, drop boxes and on city streets. CBS News reports plywood is running low as security experts are signaling chaos no matter who wins, particularly in battleground states and in the downtown areas of cities where protests over police brutality took place this summer.

“We do expect there to be some level of unrest before, during and after the election regardless of who might be the winner,” said Allison Wood, head of political risk consulting in North America at the business consultancy Control Risks.

Many Americans will also not know which candidate won their state on election night. According to FiveThirtyEight, not one state has committed to counting all votes on election night and just 16 said they will have nearly all votes counted. Other states like New York, will count early and in-person votes on Election night, but the state will not even begin to count absentee ballots until Nov. 6 and that could take weeks.

There’s also sure to be many legal challenges to the final results. There’s already a bevy of cases on voting still in the courts and President Trump has already declared

“As soon as Election Day is over, we’re going in with our lawyers.”

Both candidates are spending their final days of their campaigns in Pennsylvania. Trump spent Saturday hosting four rallies in the state touting his economy before the pandemic, how Americans shouldn’t be scared of the coronavirus pandemic, and convincing his base that voting for Joe Biden could turn American into a socialist country.

Meanwhile, Biden spent Monday in Scranton to talk to White working class voters, with a bevy of prominent Democrats and celebrities. Meanwhile, former President Barack Obama, who has spent the last two weeks letting out four years of frustration at what Trump has done to his legacy, is headed to Georgia to stump for his former vice president. Biden is also expected to hit Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and elsewhere in western Pennsylvania by Tuesday.

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