Man Accused Of Cyberstalking Ex, Allegedly Paid Strangers For Photos

(Photo: Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash)

In a disturbing case of cyberstalking and electronic harassment, Dominique Ward, a Chicago mother of three, alleges that Micah Berkley, the father of her twin daughters, is exploiting social media to gather information about their children.

This unsettling situation, which began after the two broke up in 2020, has escalated to the point where Berkley reportedly offers monetary incentives for photos and videos of the twins. According to the Los Angeles Daily News, Ward was shocked to discover a Facebook post by Berkley containing recent pictures of their twin daughters from a Target shopping trip in 2022. In the post, Berkley wrote, “I got to see you the other day…What you don’t know is that there is a community of love surrounding you, sending Daddy pictures and videos…” This incident of cyberstalking left Ward feeling violated and unsafe.

The extent of Berkley’s electronic harassment is alarming. He

has allegedly offered varying amounts for different types of information, ranging from “$25 per photo” and “$50 for videos” to “$10,000 for anyone who can bring the girls to him for ‘a peaceful, arranged meeting.'” Berkley admits to these actions, claiming it’s “technological warfare” intended to frighten Ward.

Despite Ward’s efforts to seek help, she has encountered significant obstacles. Law enforcement and social media platforms have been largely unresponsive to her pleas, highlighting the

challenges in addressing cyberstalking and electronic harassment. An analysis of Illinois police data reveals a concerning trend: arrests for electronic harassment are rare, even as complaints increase. Ward’s attorney, Lindsay Nathan, has also struggled to find recourse. Their attempts to engage Chicago police, Cook County prosecutors, and Facebook have been met with explanations of why action cannot be taken. This lack of response reflects a broader issue in dealing with modern forms of intimidation like cyberstalking.

Experts point out that while state laws have evolved to address electronic harassment, law enforcement and judicial systems often lag behind. Ward’s experiences with the Chicago Police Department illustrate this gap. Officers have suggested difficulties in proving Berkley’s direct involvement and prosecutorial reluctance.

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