Michigan Man, Driving, license

Michigan Man Jailed For Driving During Virtual License Suspension Hearing Never Had A Driver’s License

Wait, what?

Another chapter has emerged in the case of Corey Harris, who was placed in jail after appearing in a virtual hearing with a Michigan judge while driving in a suspended license case: the judge in the case provided proof that Harris, who had a previous suspended license case, allegedly never possessed a driver’s license.

According to USA Today, on May 15 Harris called into a Zoom conference with Judge Cedric Simpson for a hearing on charges related to an arrest where he was charged with driving with a suspended license. On the call, Harris is seen driving into a parking space and tells the judge that he is “pulling into my doctor’s office, actually, just give me one second.”

A shocked Simpson asks, “Mr. Harris, are you driving?”

When Harris parked the vehicle, Simpson said Harris “is a driver on a license suspended” who was just seen driving without a license. Harris spent two days in jail.

WXYZ reported that Harris’s license should not have been listed as suspended because a judge ordered that the suspension be lifted in January 2022. Yet, on June 4, court officials said Harris never paid his fees to the clerk’s office. By not doing so, a clearance was never sent to the Secretary of State.

When Harris came to court on June 5, Simpson hit him with some unexpected news: Harris never had a license.

“The person that needed to be blamed is the person that he was staring at in the mirror,” Simpson said. “He didn’t do what he should have done.”

“There was no error by anybody. It was a failure on the part of Mr. Harris to do certain things. But it was certainly not anybody’s fault.”

Harris was sent back to Washtenaw County Jail after the latest hearing.

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