November 30, 2011
Coping With Depression When Money or Personal Problems Arise During the Holidays
As the holiday season gets into full swing, you may not feel as cheerful and festive these days as some of your friends and family members. Money problems or personal issues can dampen even the brightest of outlooks.
In fact, for some people, the holidays end up being a time of sadness and even stress-filled days. If you don’t live close to family members or don’t have anyone to celebrate the season with, the holiday season can sometimes be downright depressing. That’s when the symptoms of chronic depression, anxiety and other negative feelings can rear their ugly heads.
Add the cold and dreary days of winter in most regions to the mix, and you may not be in the mood to do anything close to celebrating.
Still, there are some ways to stay positive and even enjoy the season. Here are six effective ways to cope with depression during the holidays: