April 10, 2015
Laughing All The Way To The Bank: Comedian Bruce-Bruce Takes Centerstage
Comedian Bruce Church (@mybrucebruce), hilariously known as “Bruce-Bruce,” has effectively used his charismatic gift for humor and chuckled all the way to the bank. A rarely known fact about his success footprint is that his comedic career began as a chef, serving up good vibes for the soul and the belly. Since then, he has made an undeniable mark in business and has gone on to author a book, become a featured spokesman for Popeye’s Chicken, appeared in hit movies and headlined comedy events. Bruce-Bruce has shared five tips that are “no laughing matter” for those desiring encore-worthy success!
1. Stay In The Know and Grow: Learn everything you possibly can about your customers,” he says. “Make sure they know your value and appreciate their business. Also, be consistent and creative in your business while staying focused on growing. If you are in the same position you were five years ago, well, it’s time to make a move.”
2. Flow In The Right Vibe: Your customers will pick up your vibe or attitude so it’s important for you to be able to relate to them. Whether you are providing a service or a product, remember to give them what they are asking for. ” At comedy shows, customers may ‘yell out a joke’ that they want to hear, and I will try work to work it into the show,” he says. “Be in tune with things happening around you because that could provide insight or spontaneous ideas and concepts.”
3. Don’t Exit Stage Left Because of Money: Many times, when you venture into something new, you will look to start getting paid immediately. “There are times in the beginning that you may have to provide your service for free,” he says. “This actually helps you to work your passion and improve your skill set. In comedy, learning your timing, delivery and character is everything–and that only comes by practice.”
4. Be Able To “Right†Your Own Ticket: You may not know everything, but always do the right thing. Legitimize what you do. “Make sure you get your legal foundation established. Pay your taxes and stay legit. Make it top priority to invest in your success by learning the ‘business side’ of your passion and the responsibilities that come along with being a respected and profitable business owner.”
5. Laugh At Yourself & Have Fun: You can make a great living and still have fun, he says. That’s why it’s important to love what you do because passion is everything. Money is the inevitable outcome if your true life’s work is immersed in purpose and fueled by passion. Enjoy the journey, and when you miss it along the way, just chuckle and quickly get back on course. That course just may lead you to the land of cha-ching!
Marquita Miller is the founder and CEO of Five Star Tax and Business Solutions — a full service accounting firm in Kansas City, Missouri. A small business expert contributor on CBS & FOX morning shows, Miller is a published author, business strategist, motivational speaker and well known advocate for entrepreneurship. A recipient of Kansas City’s Influential Woman and Woman Who Means Business award, Miller is also a conference speaker and workshop facilitator for TD Jakes Ministries. www.marquitamiller.com. Twitter:@MarquitaMMiller www.facebook.com/MarquitaMMiller