A warm, delicious alternative to hot chocolates and creamy lattes can be, as the British say, a spot of tea. But real tea enthusiasts never steep bagged varieties. Two for Tea, an online boutique featuring exotic, richly flavored loose international teas and complex blends from across the world, offers
black, green, red, and even fruit teas with ingredients such as muscat grape; dried apples, cranberries and hibiscus; and even South African rooibos bush. Prices range from $4 to $8 for up to four ounces. www.shop twofortea.comDREAM BEAN MACHINE
It won’t serve you cappuccino in bed, but the
Forget coffee shops — true connoisseurs brew their own java. Dubbed the “Cabernet of coffee” by The New York Times, the Sweet Unity Farms blend mixes Arabica and Peaberry beans from the southern highlands of Tanzania and the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. The coffee is produced by a cooperative of more than 300 farmers that was founded by David Robinson, son of baseball legend Jackie Robinson. A bag of whole or ground beans sells for $11.50. www.sweet
unityfarmscoffee.com — Alisa Gumbs