April 18, 2023
Clarence Thomas To Update Financial Disclosure, Including 2014 Real Estate Deal
The pressure has mounted for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after the bombshell report from ProPublica that he accepted luxury gifts from billionaire GOP donor Harlan Crow.
Now, Forbes reports that Thomas plans to update his financial disclosures since he failed to report a real estate deal he made with Crow in 2014.
The deal allegedly includes three Savannah, Georgia, properties, one being the home belonging to Thomas’ mother, Leola Williams, who, according to CNN, still lives there. His late brother’s family also lived in one of the homes.
Williams, 94, was provided with an occupancy agreement in order to live in the home rent-free for the rest of her life. However, she must pay property taxes and insurance.
Using aides to assist with filling out the forms, Thomas claimed it was an “oversight” that he didn’t report the real estate transaction. Thomas and his wife, Ginny, invested close to $70,000 into his mother’s home in capital improvements. After the sale was complete, the proceeds amounted to $44,000, CNN reported. Since there was no gain, Thomas thought there was no need to report it.
He also didn’t report trips on private jets and stays at privately owned resorts, like Crow’s resort in the Adirondacks, claiming those were “personal, not business.”
Several politicians have had enough of controversy surrounding Thomas, 74. U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has called for the justice to be impeached and for his advisors to be investigated. “It is the House’s responsibility to pursue” that, Ocasio-Cortez said.
However, others say the criticism of Thomas’s relationship with Crow is unfair.
“Justice Clarence Thomas is a great man, and the Democrats’ latest political attacks are simply repackaged smears in a 31-year campaign of hatred to punish and delegitimize a conservative Black Justice who thinks for himself,” said Mike Davis, a former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, told CNN.