August 31, 2015
Carol’s Daughter Creates Viral ‘Born and Made’ Campaign Celebrating Women
Popular haircare and skincare brand Carol’s Daughter has launched the #BornandMade campaign, a new female empowerment movement that celebrates the authenticity of every girl. A play off the brand’s tagline, “Born in Brooklyn. Made With Love,” the campaign honors the diversity and strength of women from all walks of life and ethnicities.
[Related: Save the Date: Women of Power Summit 2016]
“It’s important for girls to understand and recognize their power and the right way to use it. It’s imperative to remind them of who they are, and what they are in the world. If I can help with that, then I’m getting up for a good reason every day,” Carol’s Daughter Founder Lisa Price said in a statement.
Carol’s Daughter has teamed up with I Am That Girl, a nonprofit for girls to be inspired and motivated, for the campaign and many women across the nation, including celebrities— from beauty blogger Naptural85 to activist and writer Michela Angela Davis—have gotten on board with support via videos and personalized #BornandMade images online at bornandmade.com, which they can then share across social media.
Check out updates from celebs and women around the world below:
So we see that over 11,000 of you are pretty excited about #BornAndMade! Check out some behind the scenes here –> https://t.co/R5z2dR0oWf
– Carol’s Daughter (@carolsdaughter) August 28, 2015
I am london #bornandmade carolsdaughter …. https://t.co/x7cXVKV5Mq
– Estelle (@EstelleDarlings) August 27, 2015
Today is Thursday and #IamTHATgirl! We are all THAT girl! @iamthatgirl #BornandMade Be proud to be exactly who are! pic.twitter.com/4aQ1jz4UWd
– Constance Zimmer (@ConstanceZimmer) August 28, 2015
I am Michaela.Born in Germany.Made with Grace & Gangster.I am HELEN’S daughter #BORNandMADE https://t.co/osYXinnt5s pic.t
Carol’s Daughter Launches Epic Instagram Campaign… #BornAndMade | http://t.co/aE93B4hvfj pic.twitter.com/n8mS4mCcaK
– OurBKSocial (@OurBKSocial) August 28, 2015
– MichaelaAngela Davis (@MichaelaAngelaD) August 27, 2015
#BornAndMade @carolsdaughter pic.twitter.com/PbMvO537f0
– Ölamide. (@Lamzierouge) August 28, 2015