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Career Development Like Dating? 4 Rules to Apply to the Grind


It’s been said that finding the perfect job or going through the motions of building your career can be likened to dating. It’s a trial and error process filled with challenges and triumphs, and when you’ve finally found “the one,” the rewards are numerous.

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Brazen Careerist details this notion with relationship rules you can apply to your career to find the best fit and most fulfilling journey:


Try something new if you don’t feel committed. Leaving is hard, especially when you feel comfortable in your job (or relationship). But if you find yourself “just getting by” or feeling like you aren’t growing as a person or as a professional, you may be in the wrong job.

Don’t get me wrong; very few people wake up thrilled-beyond-reason every morning, in work or in love.

There are good days and bad days in every field. But if at the end of the year you don’t come out on top, you’re putting your long-term happiness at risk. Assess the pros and cons of the situation with a close friend and see if you’re really getting what you need out of your job.

Play the field to learn more about yourself and find the best fit for you. Therese Schwenkler hit the nail on the head when she wrote, “You don’t start off knowing the exact person you’re going to marry, and no one expects you to…So why do we expect this when it comes to our careers?

Within a given field, there are as many dream job possibilities as there are job openings. Each position will be different from the other in the way that

one potential spouse is different from every other. Some people luck into the perfect job on their first go around, but more and more find it by accident after two or three tries. Many more find a way to make the perfect job for themselves. (Though maybe don’t try that in a relationship, Dr. Frankenstein…)

Read more at Brazen Careerist …

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