April 12, 2023
Republican Senator Tim Scott Launches Presidential Exploratory Committee
The 2024 Presidential bids are starting to come in.
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), the only Black Republican in the U.S. Senate, announced on Twitter this morning that he’s launching a presidential exploratory committee that will allow him to raise money that could then be transferred to an official presidential campaign.
I will never back down in defense of the conservative values that make America exceptional.
That’s why I’m announcing my exploratory committee for President of the United States.
This fight is personal.
I want every American to have the same opportunities I had. pic.twitter.com/HV56pbyKdB
— Tim Scott (@votetimscott) April 12, 2023
“America’s soul put to the test and we prevailed…Joe Biden and the radical left have chosen a culture of grievance over greatness. They are promoting victimhood over personal responsibility,” Scott said. “And they are indoctrinating our children to believe we live in an evil country.”
CNN reports Scott, 57, has been testing the campaign waters for a while, starting a listening tour in February that focused on “Faith in America.” He is scheduled to host events in Iowa, a battleground state, starting today. He won reelection to the Senate last year, ending the year with over $21 million in his campaign account, which he could use for a presidential bid.
In the video, Scott walks the grounds of where the first shots of the Civil War occurred at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. He openly talks about Democrats’ attacks on him.
“When I fought back against their liberal agenda, they called me a prop, a token, because I disrupt their narrative,” Scott said. “I threaten their control. They know the truth of my life disproves their lies.”
If he decides to officially throw his hat in the ring for the Oval Office, NPR reports he joins former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson, and Donald Trump in the Republican primary field.